Gusle su arhaični instrument koji vezujemo uz epsko pojanje uz gusle i seže veoma davno u prošlost kad je ta prošlost inače bila herojska, kad su se vojske sukobljavale na terenu uz "analogno oružje" kakvi su mač, koplje i luk i strela. Takvih ratova je ovde na ovim južnoslovenskim prostorima bilo puno i naravno postojali su i pesnici koji su to ovekovečavali uz stihove. No takvi stihovi su očigledno bili dosadni i ondašnjem svetu pa je neko izmislio GUSLE, instrument sa samo jednom žicom, upravo kao naručen za ovakvo herojsko pojanje.
Najpoznatiji guslar ovih krajeva iz prošlosti je bio Filip Višnjić.
Ova kolekcija je sakupljena pod nazivom SLOŽNO UZ GUSLE i ne znam ko je izvodi ali je jako dobro.
The lahuta or gusle (or gusla) (Albanian: lahuta, Bulgarian: гусла, Serbo-Croatian: gusle/гусле, Romanian: guzlă), is a single-stringed musical instrument used in the Balkans and in the Dinarides region.
The term gusle/gusli/husli/husla is common term to all Slavic languages and denotes a musical instrument with strings. The gusle should, however, not be confused with the Russian gusli, which is a psaltery-like instrument; nor with the Czech term for violin, housle.
The Gusle has many similarities with the lira, which was widely used throughout the Byzantine Empire and can still be heard in many post-Byzantine regions in almost exactly the same way. It is also similar to the Bulgarian Gadulka.
The Albanian version "lahuta" is closer to the Romanian version - lauta.
Amongst the South Slavs, the gusle is typically not played on its own; instead, it is used to accompany the voice of a vocalist called a guslar reciting and/or singing an epic story or legend.
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